About The Book
Bridging the gap between western intellectual traditions and Islamic mysticism, this book explains the meaning of knowledge in the orthodox line of Sufism. Following the living tradition of intellectual René Guénon, the lessons here are intended not as profiles of individual Sufi masters but rather as an expression of an Islamic school of wisdom within the contemplative dimension of Islam.
About The Author
Shaykh Abd al Wahid Pallavicini was born in Milan in 1926. He converted to Islam on 7 January 1951, taking the Islamic name of the French metaphysician René Guénon after the latter’s death in Cairo.
After living for many years in the East, in 1980 he received authorisation, in his capacity as teacher (shaykh), to organise an autonomous branch of the Islamic confraternity Ahmadiyya Idrisiyyah Shadhiliyyah in Europe.
In 1986 the Italian Islamic Cultural Centre, the body that at present administers the mosque in Rome, designated him as the person with responsibility for interfaith dialogue, especially with regard to Christianity. He has continued to be active in Christian Muslim dialogue for many years and has published widely.
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