About The Book
Hajj is not a luxury tour or vacation, and Allah has made hardship a necessary factor in Hajj. Those who depart with the mindset that Hajj is supposed to be easy get impatient and start complaining at the slightest inconvenience. Hence pilgrims need to begin their journey with the knowledge and intention that Hajj is a journey of trials and not one of luxury.
We are lovers and not the beloved, but yet we expect our every need to be catered to, just like we were the beloved. This is a journey only for lovers, and whoever wants to travel as if he is the beloved will find that he will never get the opportunity for this grand journey.
Many of us make the blunder of embarking on this sacred journey without learning the Spiritual and Legal dimensions of Hajj. This book acts as a virtual guide for such travelers and help them ‘Achieve Excellence in Hajj’. While the content herein is extraordinary, even more amazing is the effect that it has produced on those who have listened to or read it. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to convey such realities on paper.
About The Author
Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi is one of leading Shaykahs of Tasawwuf in the present era. Formally granted authorization (ijazah) in the Naqshbandi spiritual path (Trariqah), he retired from his position as an electrical engineer at the age of forty to devote himself entirely to the service of Islam.
He regularly travels to more than thirty countries transforming the lives of people all over the world. A testament to his deep love for Allah, his uncompromising dedication to Sunnah of the blessed Prophet , and his firm adherence to Islamic Law (Shariah) is that thousands of religious scholars and students of Islamic learning are among his students (murids). Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad regularly delivers lectures in both English and Urdu across the world.
Furthermore, he has written dozens of books many of which have been translated into several languages. Online versions of both talks and writings are available at the links on the left. Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad’s spiritual chain traces back through a series of authentic teachers all the way to the Holy Prophet.
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