One of the most famous primers in the subject of ‘ilm al-hadith is ‘Umar b. Muhammad al-Bayquni’s Manzumah. This work has received much attention in traditional circles of learning, both past and present. Many scholars have elucidated this text through their commentaries.
In this work, Bayquni’s Manzumah has been translated into English, and features line-by-line along with the versification. Also, two Arabic commentaries are presented. The first is Shaykh Hasan al-Mashshat’s al-Taqrirat al-Saniyyah. The second is Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Sulayman al-Ahdal’s al-Hawashy al-Mufidah.
These two have been edited from both printed versions of the works and manuscripts too. Throughout the publication are explanatory footnotes added by the publisher; and at the end, there is a brief introduction to narrator criticism (ar: al-jarh wa al-ta‘dil) presented. Narrator criticism is something essential for one studying hadith, while it does not feature as a chapter in the versification.
In this publication, the commentaries are set in Linotype’s Lotus (a crisp and clear Arabic font common in academia), the English is Adobe Calson Pro; the versification is set in Uthman Taha Naskh and likewise the ligatures. Printed on FSC accredited premium white paper.
About Author:
Imam 'Umar or TaHa bin Muhammad bin Fatuh al- Bayquni, the Muhaddith, and the Usooli (one who is firm in the principles of the deen. He lived before the year 1080 H/ 1669 CE and he has a book called " Fathul Qaadir al- Mugheeth " about ' ilmul hadeeth.
Not much is known about him since his fame was after his death.