The fiqh in Kanz Daqaiq holds the same status that the definition of the principles of fiqh from the Qudoori of Kaafiyyah, after Hidayatun Nahw, holds in Nahw. However, Kanz contains a tremendous treasure of concise and summarized Fiqhi information, collected like water in the sea. Imam al-Nasafi sticks to two main points in this work;
1- sticking to the issues of the Zahir al-Riwayah,
2- and not surpassing the '
However, there are some sayings in the Kanz that are not from the Zahir al-Riwayah and are not from the '
The commentaries on Kanz al-Daqa'iq Over the centuries, many scholars such as Aiyni, Halbi,