About The Book
This book is the first translation into English of a well known and widely used, six hundred year old classical Arabic text, its author, Qadi Safadi of Damascus, designed it for his contemporaries as a reference book to acquaint the followers of the four schools of fiqh with the ruling of the other schools, so that needless antagonism and misunderstandings did not spring up out of ignorance and prejudice.
The need for such a book is even more pressing in the present circumstances, and this excellent and succint book which covers the whole spectrum of the Deen is a timely and much needed addition to the Islamic source material available in the English language.
About The Translator
Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley, born 1948 in the United States. She holds a BA in French and MA in Near Eastern Languages from the University of California, Berkeley. She spent a year with a fellowship at the American University in Cairo and at the same time attended a seminar on Sufism and Islamic philosophy at Dar al-’Ulum. She is a student of Shaykh Abdalqadir al-Murabit, and also studied Ibn ‘Arabi with the late Sidi Fudul al-Hurawi in Fes, Morocco.
Aisha Bewley converted to Islam in 1968. She is the author and translator of many published and unpublished works, some available on her website. She is married to Hajj Abdalhaqq Bewley with whom she often translates and mother of three children.
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